Primary School

Introduction and start
March 10, 2015
Monica de Jong is our ‘artist in residence’ since January (see that month’s blog). She started of her work by giving drawing and painting lessons to all thirteen classes and to the teachers. Non of them had ever had an art lesson before, so it was a fruitful and eye-opening experience for all. Monica slowly became a part of the school and experienced all facets of education in Senegal...

Work in progress
March 23, 2015
We started this project with a very flexible design. Depending on progress the sculpture could be longer or shorter. In the best case scenario we could also incorporate a slide and monkey bars. As the circumstances of working at the school take shape it turns out that our hopes were much too ambitious...

March 29, 2015
It is interesting to compare two perspectives. Seen as a sculpture, a piece of art, it is a large work. Looking at the schoolyard we have created a small and special place in the outer corner under two trees. The immense detail in the work radiates an ambiance.